Monday, May 4, 2009

Warming Up to Whites

SO, in the last blog I wrote about men who have a hard time warming up to whites. But now I'll speak for myself. I myself wasn't a huge fan of whites for a couple reasons:

1) The first time I got sick from alcohol was when I was 17. I asked a friend to pick up a five dollar bottle of wine from 7-11, at which I was going to swig from while we played drinking games. He came back with what was supposed to be a white wine but had a pink tint. I downed the whole thing throughout the course of playing... along with about four shots of Jager. Needless to say, the next day I had a lot of explaining to do to my mom as to why I prayed to my bedroom carpet instead of the Porcelain Goddess.

2) When I finally got into wines (not for the purposes of getting drunk) I'd always hear people say you REALLY didn't know wine if you drank whites.

I took a long haitus from selling wines. And when I got back I made the mistake of going to a wine specialty store in a really hipster side of town. To make matters worse I told the guy, "I'm not really into whites..." Thinking I was so sophisticated, the guy knocked me off my high horse and said back to me, "If you're gonna sell wine you better get into them."

Ever since that, I've been drinking only whites. One that's been opening my palate: Petito Wines makes a beautiful Marsanne Roussanne. And the price is right.

Even the French agree with me. I took it to a French restaurant last week and the woman *really* liked it.

Moral of the story: It probably wasn't the white/pink wine that caused me to get sick back in high school. I'd say combining that with Jager was my bad. AND, not only should I get into whites, another owner of a wine specialty shop told me he might even host a tasting night with black glasses, keep the wines at cellar temp and serve. He said most likely, people won't even notice the difference between whites and reds. Plus, as the weather heats up, what a perfect time to warm up to whites.

One last side note: I just attended this amazing tasting event at the Greystone Mansion. I had to meet a client there.... someone who's very accomplished in the film business. As I start taking his wines out I'll be sure to let you know who I'm talking about.

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